It doesn’t matter what natural disaster, health crisis, or challenge our country faces, one thing is for certain and that is hackers and scammers are out there to take you for all you’re worth. And scammers during the coronavirus are no exception. We are seeing them in Go Fund Me accounts, door-to-door, and of course, online but here are 4 Scams to Know About During the COVID-19 virus outbreak to protect you and your family.
#1. False information on the stimulus checks.
If you filed a tax return in 2018 or 2019, you have to do absolutely nothing to get your check. Checks will start rolling out around April 13 to those in need the most and will be directly deposited into your bank account if you have filed your taxes online. If you requested a paper check or did not file your taxes online, those checks will start to be mailed around May 4. If you have anyone calling requesting personal information in order for you to get your check, simply hang up the phone. These are scams. No one will call you with your personal information or tell you what you need to do in order to get your check.
Find out the other 3 most common scams you’ll likely experience during COVID-19