If you are having difficulty building and creating database queries, it may be time to look for a solution. Even with extensive SQL knowledge, the task takes a lot of time, and even seasoned coders make mistakes along the way. To avoid these issues, consider trying a visual SQL query builder that is easy to use and offers convenience in building queries online. Moreover, if you are looking to work more flexibly without installing any software on every computer you use, it is definitely a good idea to use an online SQL query builder!
Makes your job easy
One of the biggest reasons to start using a visual SQL query builder is to simplify your life. With this tool, you can generate even the most complex SQL queries in just a few clicks, without writing a code. A good query builder is supported by popular database platforms like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and PostGre SQL, and its intuitive interface will enable you to add conditions or build data query swiftly.
Features you’ll love
Drag and drop is one of the features that makes an online SQL query builder easy to use. It lets you build queries, apply aggregate functions, create SQL expression, and perform other tasks. Moreover, it opens built query into the editor for formatting and execution. Simply drag and drop your database tables from the schema browser into the query builder and the system will automatically create SQL join conditions according to the primary and the foreign keys between the two tables. You can open as many query tabs as necessary and multi-task on different builders.
As you create SQL queries online, the visual SQL query builder shows a live data preview where you can apply different filter conditions. Even those with no, or minimal SQL knowledge can use the builder with ease!
Not sure?
If you are not sure about using an online visual SQL query builder, there are service providers that are offering a free trial period. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn how this tool works. You can also arrange a live demo to discover its hassle-free and innovative usage.
About the Author:
This article is written by Manish Shah, the CEO of Datasparc Inc. Datasparc offers data security, database management, data governance and data analytics – all in one solution. They offer DBHawk™, a web based SQL tool & database reporting software designed for Oracle, SQL Server and other databases.