Pilonidal cysts are the growth of unnatural skin that contains hair, dead cells, and other debris. The condition normally appears at the tailbone or around it. The most common cause of this condition is hair penetrating the skin. If you have this condition then you might experience fever, pain, redness, and drainage of blood or pus from the cyst. If the cyst transforms into an abscess then it can lead to severe conditions. Therefore, leaving it unattended is not the best option as it can lead to skin cancer. There are various pilonidal cyst treatments available namely,
Antibiotic treatments
Hot compress
Topical treatment
Surgical treatment
Individuals who have excessive hair on the lower torso, excessive sweating, and who tend to sit for an extended period of time are at a higher risk of suffering from the condition. The following are some of the tips that you can adopt to avoid the development of pilonidal cyst:
Do not sit continuously for more than 2 hours
Maintain a healthy weight
Avoid wearing clothes that are tight fitting
Maintain good hygiene
Get rid of excessive hair around the buttock
Do not lift heavy objects
Antibiotic treatment
If the condition is mild then antibiotic treatments work best. Besides the prevention of the infection, it also helps in avoiding recurrences. However, it is best to avoid self-medication as it could lead to skin irritation. Therefore, always stick to using only prescription antibiotics. The following are some of the common antibiotics that can help in treating pilonidal cysts:
The purpose of this antibiotic is to reduce the growth of protozoa and bacteria in the cyst. It also helps in removing the abscess from the cyst. The medication is available in the form of an injection, topical cream, or pills.
This medication helps in the prevention of the growth of bacteria and completely destroys them. This antibiotic can be ingested orally or applied topically. You can also use it in intravenous form.
Flucloxacillin is a kind of penicillin that helps in removing certain infections which pilonidal cyst causes. However, this medication must be avoided by those who are allergic to penicillin.
This antibiotic is similar to lincomycin which prevents the spread of bacteria. It also helps in reducing bacterial growth. This medication can be used by those suffering from penicillin. This medication can either be used topically or ingested orally.
This antibiotic also helps in reducing bacteria from spreading to a larger area.
The downside of using antibiotic treatment is that it might not help in treating severe cases. Although it will be helpful in relieving you from the symptoms temporarily. Also, those who have multiple cysts have a higher chance of suffering from recurrences.
Hot compress
The symptoms of pilonidal cysts can be quite troublesome. Therefore, at times, you can try using some home remedies to manage the irritation, pain, and discomfort. An effective method to get relief from the discomfort is to apply a hot compress. It will help you in getting relief from the itchiness and irritation as the heat leads to the drainage of the pus. Using a sitz bath or soaking your buttock in warm water is another method you can try.
Surgical treatment
In the case of severe pilonidal cysts, surgical treatment is the only option to get completely remove them. It is generally an in-office procedure, wherein the doctor will use anesthesia to ease the discomfort during the procedure. And then, the doctor will cut through the cyst to allow the drainage of the pus.
After completely draining the cyst, the surgeon may choose to leave the wound close or open. Primarily, the location of the cyst will determine which option is best. Post-surgery, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions so that the wound heals quickly without getting infected.
Despite the drainage, the likeliness of the cyst to recur in the same location is likely. If this is the case then you might require a more extensive procedure to completely get rid of the cyst.
Common questions regarding Pilonidal cysts
Is it okay to pop pilonidal cysts?
Pilonidal cysts may look like a pimple but it is best to leave them alone. Popping the cyst may likely lead to infections and scarring. And thus, instead of fixing the problem, it can get you in trouble.
How to sleep comfortably with a pilonidal cyst?
Sleeping with pilonidal cysts can cause a great deal of discomfort. Therefore, the best position to sleep is to lie down on your side. Avoid any position that could lead to stretching of your back. Using a pillow might be helpful in maintaining a comfortable position.
How to clean pilonidal cyst?
The infected area must be properly washed with warm soapy water. Use a clean cloth to pat the area dry. But, avoid using alcohol and hydrogen peroxide as they can delay the healing process. Bandage the affected area from further infection. Also, make sure to change the bandage regularly.
Recovery from pilonidal cyst removal surgery may take around 3-4 weeks. However, till the time you completely recover, you should avoid doing any strenuous tasks. Also, make sure to strictly adhere to the after-care instructions, or else the condition might likely recur.