Is it Economical and Feasible to Move as a Senior?

a happy old couple resting on the balcony in a pair of rocking chairs t20 G01JgR
a happy old couple resting on the balcony in a pair of rocking chairs t20 G01JgR

Thinking about moving? You’ll need to establish the current value of your existing home, calculate your share of any closing costs, what the financing costs are of the new home, and then calculate all the additional costs of moving, what your bills will be in the new home, and what if any repairs or improvements are needed in the new home.

If you do not have enough equity in the home the savings of moving could be quite minor. The decision then becomes, where would you be happier? If you save an exceedingly small amount to leave a home, you love, is it worth moving.

Read more about relocating for seniors here



Written by Temineth

Website designer, blogger, social media manager, SEO and SEM consultant since 2004

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