Odun Nlo Sopin Audio (Remastered)

Odun Nlo Sopin Audio

Album Composed and sang by C.A.C.Good Women Choir, Ibadan. Led by Mrs.D.A. Fasoyin

Wish the past can be the present so those who never experienced era like this will have a taste of it and the compare it to what is now in circulation.  Songs that touches the souls. Recall in those days you walk along street, mostly weekend and you hear songs like this and others like Chief Ebenezer Obey, King Sunny Ade, Orlando Owoh et al.  Wow!!!   I wish we can get back that time when peace was in abundance,  food in abundance and music was the soul of life.

Decades after its release this song is still evergreen song and will remain so till eternity because it is from the soul. May the souls of departed members of the band rest in perfect peace and the remaining ones live long to enjoy the fruits of their labour Amen



Written by West A

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