# 1: At the beginning of the semester
Let the first-day count. Discuss a key idea, pose a typical problem, or ask students to do a group exercise. When dealing with the course material, tell the students that the course is well organized, quick, and worthwhile.
# 2: For using email
Use email to improve class participation. Provide a tutor for the first week to make it easier for students to use computers. Ask students to generate comments or questions or topics for essays about the discussion to begin the discussion. Electronic conversations increase student participation, encourage collaboration, and require critical thinking.
# 3: End of class review
At the end of each class, take five minutes to ask students to summarize the ideas presented, solve a sample problem, apply information to a new situation, or write their reactions to the class of the day. If you do this throughout the semester, you know what you can do to strengthen your teaching.
# 4: Constructive criticism
Both positive and negative comments can stimulate learning, but positive comments seem to be the most effective. At least don’t just give negative feedback. Praise what the student did right. It creates confidence. Acknowledge sincere efforts, even if the product is not the best.
# 5: Attendance
Take a moment after each lesson and give yourself a grade for participation. Ask yourself the following questions: How open are you to your students? How do you encourage them to get involved? Do you let the students know that you appreciate their participation? Sometimes we can be defeated by our response to student participation. Remember: student participation depends on teacher participation.
# 6: Treasure Island
Having trouble getting your students to read? Send them on a treasure hunt. Select multiple sections of text and ask students to find the key point, idea, argument, or example. Have them write it down in a short sentence that justifies their selection. You can improve understanding and participation immediately.
# 7: cross-examination
Instead of the usual “teacher questions that students answer”, try the other way around. “Turn the table” offers a refreshing change.
# 8: Future reference
Keep a diary of your class. After each lesson, write down the names of the students who spoke, who answered their points, and which questions caused the most lively exchange. Use this information to prepare future sessions.
# 9: Electronic Lessons
Use canvas to add another dimension to class participation. To begin the discussion, ask students to generate comments or questions and post them between courses in the discussion forum. Take part in online discussions with students.
# 10: Make your point of view
Regardless of whether you use overhead transparencies or computer presentation software, here are some tips to help you “get your point across”. Give your presentation an attractive, powerful title. Summarize your points. Avoid using full sentences. Use bold or italics instead of underlining. Use color sparingly.
# 11: What to Expect
Check student expectations at the beginning of the course to avoid problems later. What do you hope to benefit from the course? Use a questionnaire, a short discussion, or both. Then clarify questions about requirements, goals, tasks and presentation style.
# 12: Polished philosophy
Be aware of your teaching philosophy and behavior. “Good” teachers come in a variety of styles. Resources in the Office of Graduate Studies can help you determine your teaching philosophy. Examine your strengths and weaknesses and improve your own teaching style.
# 13: T.A.B.S.
Ask for halftime feedback in class. Do the students feel like they are learning? What could be done to improve their learning? The Office of Graduate Studies has a computerized questionnaire called Teaching Analysis by Students (TABS), which many trainers use for this type of information.
# 14: Enigmatic question
When presenting materials, break up a series of declarative statements with questions to stimulate thinking. At the beginning of the lesson, ask an important question that will be answered at the end. Give