????, Actually I find myself here, hoping I Wana watch comedy or laugh out loud, but this is not what I found, I still can’t believe I cried watching the movie, what ministered to me is not condemning yourself, it is actually when the Pastor Caleb’s secret got leaked, the Woman of that Girl immidiately called pastor by name and called him Man of God; which simply means Pastor Caleb disappointed God, I was watching with the whole of my Spirit and physical and I can tell the message of this Video is for the Young Ministers, that no matter how we Hide under grace for long, there will still be unveiling of our secret and the sin will definitely find us if we continue in it. Considering the fact that he has been fornicating for so long, God kept using Him till that very Day GRACE Disgraced Him. I don’t know when the script was written but the HolySpirit wrote it Sir, cause a minister of God ministered something of the same not quite long during one open space program . God bless you much and fill you more