Electric Welding Secret! Why don’t professional welders talk about it?
Save the cost of a tig welder. Place a piece of scrap sheet a
n my opinion welders are often quite stuborn conservative when it comes to inovations.
I thought about this before, but as I mastered the arc striking skills I don’t feel like I need this very often although I see how it is very useful with some electrodes that are hard to strike- like E7016, although it makes sense that people don’t want younger welders to use things like this because then they don’t learn how to strike an arc traditional way, but if you merely care about the results of your company you wouldn’t care, that is why we use newer and newer technologies to make work process faster despite them being easier.
But I’ve seen some people teaching their “students” to do everything the hard way because it builds all the skills, I get it if you want your studant to handle everything that is thrown at him he should go trough it all, but shouldn’t cling to it forever if it is unnecessary. Like using non-automatic mask should be a matter of prefference. Some people believe that if you get used to automatic one you are no good with non-automatic one. bollocks. I learn welding with automatic one and have no problems using the non-automatic one. I think we shouldn’t brainwash people into having no creativity when it comes to making job easier, faster and more productive.
credit to the original copyrights owner