Teekri Introduces New Wooden Jewelry Inspired by The Trendy Boho-Chic Style
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May, 2020:Teekri, a well-known wooden jewellery brand is inspired by the boho-chic style. They have introduced a new jewellery collection keeping the boho-bold look in mind that makes a great fashion statement.
Bohemian fashion, in short, Boho, is a cultural outlook that combines clothing and accessories in line with the indigenous cultures around the world. Middle Eastern jewelry is considered to be the cousin of bohemian jewelry. Bohemian necklaces, bracelets and rings are famous all over the world that can be paired with almost any piece of clothing to flaunt style and elegance.
Boho Style represents relaxation and sync with Earth’s resources. Boho fashion is recognized with its neutral shades and loose patterns put together effortlessly. You can have some fun wearing the elegant Boho look exclusively designed by Teekri, especially with the addition of jewelry and accessories to the mix of natural earthy tones that are the quintessential boho colors.
Teekri offers a wide range of boho style earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, with over 22 new designs added in their collections, which makes them one of the most loveable online jewelry stores. The designs offered by them are one of its kind and will surely complement your bohemian look for the day. They even have various options in their spring-summer collection, such as:
Shades of Natural light colored wood
Shades of Blues – Aqua, Indigo, and more
Shades of Greens – Tahitian Jade, and more
Shades of Reds- Bahama cherry, Fuchsia, and Fiji orange
Shades of Browns – Walnut, Rosewood
Visit Teekri and select the jewelry that will complement you and your Bohemian Style.
About the Company:
Teekri aims to empower the modern woman and it is for the modern woman seeking statement pieces that are boho, bold and beautiful. Our artisans are Indians. We work with underprivileged women and help to make them financially independent by providing them with sustainable employment. Teekri is a patented proprietary wood. Carefully constructed from engineered wood, our unique offerings flaunt a natural shine and long-lasting finish.