The Benefits of Paying Your Mortgage Biweekly

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Minnesota, USA, June 2024 — Homeowners looking to save money and pay off their mortgage faster have a powerful tool at their disposal: biweekly mortgage payments. By opting to pay their mortgage every two weeks instead of the traditional monthly schedule, homeowners can unlock significant financial benefits, ranging from reduced interest payments to accelerated loan payoff.

What Are Biweekly Mortgage Payments?

Biweekly mortgage payments involve splitting your monthly mortgage payment in half and paying that amount every two weeks. This results in 26 half-payments or 13 full payments over the course of a year, compared to the standard 12 monthly payments. This seemingly small change can have a substantial impact on your mortgage.

Key Benefits of Biweekly Mortgage Payments

Interest Savings: One of the primary benefits of biweekly payments is the reduction in total interest paid over the life of the loan. By making more frequent payments, you reduce the principal balance more quickly, which, in turn, reduces the amount of interest accrued.

Accelerated Mortgage Payoff: With biweekly payments, homeowners make an extra full payment each year. This additional payment can significantly shorten the term of a 30-year mortgage, often by several years, allowing homeowners to be debt-free sooner.

Improved Budgeting: Biweekly payments can make budgeting easier for those who receive biweekly paychecks. Aligning mortgage payments with pay periods can simplify financial planning and ensure timely payments.

Equity Buildup: Faster principal reduction means homeowners build equity in their homes more quickly. This increased equity can be beneficial for refinancing opportunities or tapping into home equity for other financial needs.

Example of Savings

Consider a $300,000 mortgage with a 4% interest rate on a 30-year term. By switching to biweekly payments, a homeowner could save tens of thousands of dollars in interest and pay off their mortgage approximately five years earlier than with monthly payments.

Getting Started with Biweekly Payments

Homeowners interested in transitioning to biweekly payments should first check with their lender to see if this option is available and if there are any associated fees. It’s important to ensure that extra payments are applied directly to the principal balance.

Potential Pitfalls to Avoid

While biweekly payments have many advantages, homeowners should be wary of third-party companies that charge fees for setting up these plans. Many lenders offer biweekly payment options directly at no extra cost.


Switching to biweekly mortgage payments is a simple yet effective strategy to save money, reduce debt, and build equity faster. As homeowners seek ways to improve their financial health, this approach offers a practical solution with long-term benefits.

For more information on biweekly mortgage payments and to explore if buying a house for sale by owner is the right option for you, please contact Real Estate Corners, Inc. at (612) 483-1230. Our flat-fee real estate agents are here to assist you with all your real estate needs.

About the Company:

Real Estate Corners is a licensed real estate company in Minnesota that has been operating since 2001. As pioneers in the flat-fee real estate market, they provide homeowners with two methods to sell their properties, helping them save thousands in commission fees. With over two decades of experience in both residential and commercial real estate, their team possesses the knowledge, expertise, and resources necessary to achieve outstanding results for clients of all sizes. Delivering top-notch service to every client is their utmost priority, and their highly skilled professionals are dedicated to supporting you throughout the entire process.


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