Smart homeowners will consider the return on the investment when they make improvements or upgrades to their home. No one wants to shell out a large amount of money on their home, only to find out that they didn’t add any real value to the home.
Investing in your home through continual maintenance is the first and most important way to keep your home’s value at the highest it can be. When it comes time to sell, buyers will see the lack of maintenance and will wonder what else is wrong with it. Being sure to maintain and repair will assure your home keeps its value.
When it comes to upgrades, there are some items that pay off and some that don’t. We like to say “kitchens and baths sell homes” because, for the most part, they do. Upgrades in the kitchen, if within reason, will always pay off when it comes time to sell. The same generally is true for the bathroom.
But there are some improvements to the home that just don’t pay off. It never pays to improve beyond the typical upgrades that comparable homes in your market have. Be sure to read up on the Three Home Improvements Home Sellers Should Avoid.