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When we say packing of boxes everyone thinks it an easy process but choosing is the right boxes is more important as for your organisational purpose and belongings. Boxes differ from various sizes and each of them has intended function.it is tempting to throw most of the items in the biggest box and call it a day. Actually, it is worth taking time to make wise selection and choose the right box
Choices of boxes must be accurate, it definitely matters. Before choosing try to make sense in terms of the items you want to store, how long you intend to store and location where they will be stored at. Cardboard are the best option for any shifting or storage situations since they are inexpensive, light, easy for packing and stacking as well. When no longer needed can be used for recycling.
When it comes for longer storage cardboard won’t be sufficient. Cardboard boxes are susceptible to cause damage from certain climatic conditions like heat and humidity. If you have any idea of storing your items in humid, dry environment or doesn’t provide protection from insects or bugs it can not only cause damage to the box but also the goods stored inside them. The major drawback for storing these boxes where the places are wet or mildew may start to grow in the box. Instead store them in temperature-controlled facility where you have nothing to worry about cardboard.
Plastic bins are much better for storage situation as they are easy to stack and protect your belongings from moisture or anything else trying to get inside. Unlike for cardboard boxes we don’t require packing tape because these bins are self-seal able. Compared to cardboard box they are more expensive. If you trying to go for short term storage you might want to rely on cardboard boxes since they are recycling for future use. For long term storage plastic bins are more preferable where your items will be stored safely.
Some belonging which are fragile or valuable are particularly stored in specialty boxes. These specialty boxes are designed to provide safety for the type of items stored. These boxes are useful when it comes to store dishes, decorating items, glass, TV etc. these boxes are both available on cardboard as well as plastic varieties. The major benefit you get from these storage boxes is it makes difficult items to be packed easier without causing any damage to your goods. They are bit more expensive based on other two boxes. But for storing fragile belongings or items this is the best option which you can choose