How to Get Regular Periods Naturally?

How to Get Regular Periods Naturally

Regular periods are necessary for your overall reproductive health. A regular menstrual cycle occurs after 28 days to 35 days and lasts for approx 4 to 6 days and if it does not start even after 35 days then your periods must be irregular. There are several reasons for irregular periods. 

What are the Reasons for Irregular Periods? 

Obesity, hormonal imbalance in your body, excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovarian syndrome, contraceptive pills, unhealthy diet, and other factors are responsible for irregular periods. Let’s understand what are the ways of regulating periods.       

1. Exercise 

Regular exercise plays an important role in regulating your periods. Exercise helps promote your reproductive hormones as well as your overall well-being. It is necessary to maintain your body weight and that is possible with exercise. You can fix your exercise schedule and that will help in regulating your menstrual cycle. 

On the other hand, you should also take a well-balanced diet to balance the hormone levels that are necessary for your body. Fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses, and whole wheat are packed with many nutrients that positively impact your body. You should also add food items that are rich in iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid eating fast foods because it disrupts hormonal levels and can lead to irregular menstrual cycles. 

To regulate periods you should well-hydrate your body as water helps in flushing toxins from your body and balances hormone levels. 

2.  Add Ginger to your Diet 

Add ginger to your diet because it helps in regulating your periods. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which balance your hormone levels. Several other components are also present in ginger that can improve blood flow and reduce cramps during periods. However, the effect of ginger may vary as per the medical condition of each woman. It is necessary to consult with a fertility specialist in Lucknow for a better treatment plan that can help regulate your menstrual cycle. 

3. Maintain your Body Weight 

It is necessary to maintain your weight, both overweight and underweight can lead to irregular menstrual cycles. Maintaining a healthy body weight helps in regulating periods. Being underweight may cause low blood flow during periods due to low levels of estrogen hormone production whereas being overweight negatively affects your reproductive health and imbalances your hormone levels. Sudden changes in your weight also affect your periods.  

4. Manage your Stress 

It is important to manage your stress because it creates disturbances in your hormone levels which causes irregular periods. You can follow stress-reducing activities such as doing your hobbies, playing games, meditation, and other practices. These activities can reduce your stress and keep your mind calm which eventually helps in regulating your periods. 

5.  Consult with a Fertility Specialist 

If you are facing irregular periods for a longer time then you should consult with the specialist. Take the advice of the top best infertility doctor in Lucknow for personalised guidance. Infertility doctors can provide you with the right treatment plan and medications that will help regulate your periods. 


Irregular periods may become the reason for infertility in the future which is why it is essential to keep track of your periods. To regulate your periods, maintain your body weight and exercise regularly. You can also add food items that are rich in iron, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients. Other than these points you should manage your stress and consult with a fertility specialist for the right treatment. The fertility specialist will guide you and provide you with medications that will help regulate your periods. 



Written by Alex Petter

Content AuthorYears Of Membership

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