Find After School Programs in Charlotte, NC
Get world-class after school programs for your kids in Charlotte, NC, by Idea Lab kids – Ballantyne. They provide various activities for kids like robotics, baking, and coding, among others. Know more about Idea Lab kids from their website.
Find Birthday Parties for Kids in Charlotte, NC
Idea Lab Kids – Ballantyne provides birthday parties and services for kids in Charlotte, NC, where you can take the party to their facility, or you can bring the entertainment to your preferred location. Idea Lab Kids lets you customize the birthday party based on 30 STEM-based themes for your kids and their friends to enjoy while learning something new. Check out their website for more information.
Find Children’s Art and Cooking Classes in Charlotte, NC
Idea Lab Kids – Ballantyne provides art and cooking classes for children in Charlotte, North Carolina. They provide hands-on interactive learning with connections to real-world skills through some of the amazing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) courses specially designed for young minds.
Find Science Camp in Charlotte NC
Idea Lab Kids – Ballantyne provides STEAM [STEM + Arts] based camps like Coding, Science, robotics, coding and much more. Kids will be experienced in handling day to day activities in fun and interactive methods. Know more from their website.
Find Preschools in Charlotte NC
Idea Lab Kids – Ballantyne is providing preschool classes for kids in Charlotte, NC. Kids here learn critical thinking as it is cultivated at the age of 3-5 years. They are taught in creative ways that build an inquiry-based approach to learning. Know more from our website.