Macular edema is a degenerative disease that needs timely intervention and preventive medication to reduce its damaging effects. There are endless ways to go about the treatment of this problem, but if you are looking for a non-chemical, natural approach then you may want to check out macular edema natural treatment. In a preview, Ayurveda offers a holistic system of healing and staying healthy and is a widely accepted method of treatment that is recommended and referred by millions all over the world. So, let’s understand how macular edema treatment in Ayurveda is described and how it is carried out in real Ayurvedic facilities.
Understanding Ayurveda
As mentioned above, Ayurveda is a holistic system of health derived from two Sanskrit terms: Ayur meaning life and Veda meaning science. Therefore, the study of Ayurveda can be best described as the study of life that imparts knowledge about life. The primary theory of this science states that diseases are rooted deep somewhere in a person’s consciousness. Ayurveda facilitates a bunch of natural therapies and some key lifestyle adjustments that pave the way for aligning one’s body, spirit, and mind with their surroundings. The process of treatment begins with detoxification followed by medication, diet restrictions, medicated massages, regular yoga, and lifestyle adjustments that prevent the recurrence of the disease for as long as possible.
Why You Should Consider Macular Edema Natural Treatment?
The first and most basic reason for choosing Ayurveda should be its ability to identify and rectify the root cause of the disease. The treatment plan is formed only when the basic or underlying cause of the disease is identified. The course of treatment is governed by two basic principles – Shaman and Shodhan.
Shodhan is the first part of the macular edema natural treatment and the word refers to detoxification. It is carried out through various natural therapeutic processes like Panchkarma which cleanses the systems inside out and prepares the body for the next phase.
Shaman means rectification of the disease and subduing of its damaging effects. It works through medication, diet changes, and lifestyle adjustments. Secondly, ayurvedic medication is prepared through natural processes and has no chemicals of any kind. Most of these medicines are herbal concoctions that are easy on the body and do not carry a risk of any side effects. Even if these medicines are taken for long, they pose no such threat to health which is rarely the case with allopathic medicines. All you need to know is the right dosage and method of intake. If you adhere to the given diet restrictions and take the right dosage at the right times, the effects will be as per your expectation.
Understanding Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is an age-related problem that leads to weakness in the macula. For those who are not aware, the macula is responsible for the colour and sharpness of vision. When it gets weak, the patient starts observing dullness in colour, black spots, and distorted vision, accompanied by progressive loss of vision. The exact cause of this condition is yet to be found, except for age.
In Ayurveda, macular degeneration is known as Patalgata Vyadhi, which includes a number of retinal diseases. Since the pathology of this disease revolves around the imbalance or vitiation of the three basic doshas governing the human body – Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. Therefore, the core focus of Ayurvedic treatment for macular degeneration remains on the restoration of the natural balance between these three doshas. The most commonly used Panchakarma therapies include Nasya, Virechana, Anjana, and Tharpana. It arrests the progress of the disease and allows the patient to lead a normal life for as long as possible. The course and plan of treatment vary as per the type of macular degeneration a person is suffering from.
The Panchakarma therapies play a key role in prevention and slowing down of this disease. Various therapies are used under this category. For example, shirodhara is a technique of pouring medicated buttermilk, oil or just milk on special points located on the forehead. Similarly, lepam is the technique of application of medicated paste over the scalp. Both these techniques improve the blood, nutritional, nervous, and oxygen circulation through the underlying areas and rectify the diseases affecting these regions.