Home Improvements That Will Lose You Money

Home Improvements That Decrease Property Value
Home Improvements That Decrease Property Value

Home Improvements With Low to No Return on Investment

Who wants to make improvements to their home that offer nothing back in return? Not many people right! Here is the problem……so many homeowners think that everything they do to their home puts money back into their pocket.

Unfortunately, this could not be further from the truth. There are in fact, home improvements that will make your house harder to sell. Real Estate agents call these things home improvement losers!

In the article at Maximum Real Estate Exposure, see twenty improvements that are not going to help you and will probably hurt.

You will be wasting your money by making these improvements to your home. When it comes time to sell you will be looking at your real estate agent with a puzzled face when they give you the value of your property.

Don’t make the mistake that so many before you have. When selling a home you want to make improvements that have a high return on investment.

Of course, some people do what they want and that is fine. It’s your home afterall. Just don’t be surprised if the value of your property isn’t what you thought it was.

Just so you are clear – here are some examples of improvements that won’t make your home worth more money. They will probably make it worth less!

  1. Wallpaper – nobody wants wallpaper anymore. It is highly personal.
  2. Strange paint colors – you always want to stay neutral with paint.
  3. Painting your woodwork something other than white – Nobody is going to want your blue trim. Sorry.
  4. Putting in an extravagent pool in a cold weather climate.
  5. Over spending on improvements on a home where values of other properties in the neighborhood are lower than yours.

These are just a few quick examples. See home improvement losers in the article referenced above.

Other Articles at Conclud Worth Reading

Real Estate roundup for January 2019

How to be ready for an appraisal

Use these additional resources to make excellent decisions when buying or selling a home.



Written by massrealty

Bill Gassett in one of the top RE/MAX Real Estate agents in New England. He has been helping buyers and sellers for 32 years. Bill owns one of the most successful real estate blogs in the country - Maximum Real Estate Exposure. You can visit the site at https://www.maxrealestateexposure.com

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