Teekri Offers Exclusive Sustainable & Eco-friendly Colorful Jewelry to Its Customers
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May 2020, India: Teekri considers the well-being of the environment and customers. Thus, it has come with up an exclusive collection of eco-friendly colorful jewelry that is classy yet stylish. Teekri is one of the most environmentally-conscious online stores for customers to purchase a variety of unique jewelry.
Nowadays, more than ever, people are interested in living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Hence, the demand for eco-friendly jewellery has risen considerably. Considering this, Teekri has come up with a wide range of sustainable and colourful jewellery to curb the excessive use of resin and plastics in making jewellery. The jewellery pieces produced by Teekri are made from FSC-certified forests
Teekri does not need any introduction when it comes to handcrafted wooden jewellery. Their product categories contain wooden earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings and bracelets. They offer products that every woman needs in her wardrobe to accessorize. Every Teekri product is crafted with unique wooden gemstones, and handcrafted by skilled Indian artisans. Wooden jewellery is considered to come in only natural browns that often become monotonous to wear. However, Teekri offers a splash of colours in their jewellery ranges that give a strong sense of confidence to match it with dresses in vibrant colours.
Their collection is so vast that you have a piece to wear for casual or formal occasions. Wooden earrings are available in heart-shaped shapes, hoops, droppers and more styles. The wooden pendant necklace, wooden bracelets and wooden rings for women are also available in different styles that go well with any outfit. Products can be ordered online from the Teekri website. Detailed information on products, warranty and returns are available on the website.
Visit Teekri, to explore the wide range of stunning handcrafted wooden jewellery.
About the Company:
Teekri aims to empower the modern woman and it is for the modern woman seeking statement pieces that are boho, bold and beautiful. Our artisans are Indians. We work with underprivileged women and help to make them financially independent by providing them with sustainable employment. Teekri is a patented proprietary wood. Carefully constructed from engineered wood, our unique offerings flaunt a natural shine and long-lasting finish.
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